Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Jack Roddey Garrity is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!
See Photos of our baby boy!
Jack Roddey Garrity
October 2, 2009
11:23 pm
8lbs 5oz
21 1/4 inches
He's awesome!
God is amazing!
Thanks for following, pardon the delay.
Jimmy and Meg and Jack
Jack Roddey Garrity
October 2, 2009
11:23 pm
8lbs 5oz
21 1/4 inches
He's awesome!
God is amazing!
Thanks for following, pardon the delay.
Jimmy and Meg and Jack
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
No Baby No Baby....yet - "Are you at Def Con 6 or just chilling out?"
Matt Robins asks 3 days ago now "Are you at Def Con 6 or just chilling out?", my response, well don't know what do with ourselves. Though we really have been enjoying the time together, me and my playmate Megan. We were discussing at dinner that in 18-20something years, when the last of X amount of kids is leaving that for college that they'll be all worried, and wondering what Mom and Dad are gonna do now that they are gone...I looked across at Meg and said "shoot, Megan and I know how to have fun! In fact the 4 years before you were born we had such fun playing together!, so don't go feeling sorry for us.".... of course I'm sure this next phase will be a blast in its own right, but man we've had a good time.
So alas, Obama has issued an Orange Alert baby warning and he is "calling for" a potential increase to Baby Red Alert here in Salisbury. But until then "No baby, No baby" has been the way i've started every conversation and likely will until....
Cheers, JRG
So alas, Obama has issued an Orange Alert baby warning and he is "calling for" a potential increase to Baby Red Alert here in Salisbury. But until then "No baby, No baby" has been the way i've started every conversation and likely will until....
Cheers, JRG
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Baby not here yet...will he wait for my midterm? hmmm
So, our little baby is not here yet, well he's mostly here, just chilling out in the most comfortable place on earth...in utero...we are due Friday the 25th, but with the doc saying that she was looking early (which we actually believed) we have found ourselves with a little bit of extra time on our hands. Sort of. I have a midterm this wednesday for the MBA and another on monday, so it is a semi-hilarious position to be in...what do you tell the profs? The conversations have included a good amount of shrugging as I explain that the baby might come any time, including during their class, and perhaps during their midterm. We've made contingency plans, but they all come with a wierd "maybe" clause attached. So the wierdest tentativeness of my life has led to 3 different contingencies that are all quite gray. So my study approach is...study now, then shrug and see what happens. My two profs have been delightfully accomodating though, and for that I am blessed.
So that is what is in my brain. Also I've heard often people saying that I seem calm, in the face of a major life change. Sure...major life change. But really, God is good and God is sovreign, what is anxiety in the face of change going to earn me?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Quote of the Day: "Wow, look at this, just 3 more pages left..."
Megan says, as she makes some of the final entries in her "Belly Book", the book she has kept, documenting the pregnancy. Well, that's about how we feel, certainly "anticipatory" (the word I recently coined on the phone, while talking with Anne Eshelman) she in good form, offered an alternative word..."expectant"... ah yes... expectant. So here we sit in the advent of a major life change, not sure what to think, just certain that if the rumor holds, it'll be wonderful.
The recent changes here, are that the kid ("the baby" as Mom Voss prefers us to say) is still kicking and hiccuping like crazy. Megan is increasingly tired, but because she is Megan, her nesting was ferocious and early and our house is beautifully set up...we even have our carseat, so we'll not only be able to bring the kid into the world, but we'll be able to bring him home. Speaking of the carseat, at a baby shower several of Mom Voss' friends got us a beautiful Travel System stroller...we were stoked, a Jogger Crossover with inflatable tires, that had the babycarrier that clicked in and served as a carseat also. When we returned to Salisbury, we thought we ought to make sure it would work with our lifestyle before opening it, and we have friends with the same one, so we went to their home with Meg's 1994 Honda Accord, and folded up the stroller to have her try to put it in the trunk (weight was the concern). Well, glad we checked, the stroller didn't fit through the opening of the trunk, no possible way to get it in there...so back to Babysrus. More research and we found a sim
In other good news, we now have our Crib....not any crib, but the same crib that Charles Otis Voss (Meg's Grandad) slept in when he was an infant...he's in his nineties...also sleeping there her dad and sibs, Megan and sisters...and now little Blankity Blank Garrity. It is cast iron and so classy, especially invogue as some of the older styles are SO back in. It was painted white generations ago, and
Mom and Dad Voss got it Powder Coated and painted again, so it is like a new white car...it is beautiful...see! (pic coming)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August 10th Photos of Kicker Garrity - All Growed Up!

In true Garrity form, Kicker is taking after his dad with a noggin' that is measuring 35 weeks and 1 day while the rest of him is measuring 33 weeks and 1 day. This, coupled with the fact that he is weighing in at 5lbs 4oz and is projected to be at least 8lbs when he is born, makes Megan a little apprehensive about delivery. But either way, we are very thankful to God that he is healthy and everything is in working order.
Jimmy got to enjoy the ultrasound show from a leather couch and watched the whole thing on a huge flat screen T.V. We laughed when the technician showed us the "family jewels." As much as we tried to move Kicker around so that we could get a full face 3-D image, he was "out for the count." His hands were smooshing the right side of his face and he was sleeping very soundly. The technician said that Megan must have worn him out at the gym that morning.
Kicker seems to be growing a whole head of hair (which makes sense if you follow the Old Wives' Tale, because Megan has consumed 450 tums in the last 7 weeks of pregnancy due to indigestion and acid reflux!) and is having no problem plumping up. You can see his chubby little cheeks below! You cannot see his hair by the way, even though it looks like he is wearing a toupee, that is his head touching the top of the placenta and we were unable to get a full head shot.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Empathy Belly...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More Pictures...Finally....of The Lovely Megan Garrity
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What's he going to be like?
So I often wonder..."what is our little guy gonna be like?" It almost hurts my brain to speculate, because personalities are such complex phenomena. Just think, we probably all know someone we think has an excellent personality, and we may be prone to think, I want my kid to be like ______, trouble is, our kid will not be like _______, rather he'll be like himself, and even if I want him to be like another, he won't be, and that wouldn't make sense anyway.
But being given to the temptation to want to know, and knowing that literally only our God knows our son at this point, we can only speculate and/or play fun games with fun spreadsheets that random people anonymously generated. Try it here!
But being given to the temptation to want to know, and knowing that literally only our God knows our son at this point, we can only speculate and/or play fun games with fun spreadsheets that random people anonymously generated. Try it here!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Question! (What bear is best!?)
Soon we're gonna need a rain coat that unzips a little from the bottom. This one impressively fits everywhere but my little guy is busting at the zipper in the tummy area!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I am the Paparazzi!
I think she looks incredible these days!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Kicker Garrity
Since he's been a bit more active...though not ALWAYS moving, he's been active, in the car, on the couch, at a band concert, in class... only when Megs sitting though....at least he's polite and he doesn't do it when she is trying to sleep.
Photos: Left (20 weeks), Right (19 weeks).
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sonogram Check Up II - 18 weeks and 6 days

Megan: "Wow, are those the legs?"
Technician: "Yep, and you can see that the baby is sitting Indian style directly on your bladder."
Megan: " Oh, well how thoughtful. Man, those look like some long legs."
Technician smiles.
Megan: "Well, I guess my husband is 6'3"."
Technician: "Oh really, well that makes more sense now. (chuckle) I was measuring all the other limbs and getting normal numbers, but when I got to the legs I was a little surprised."
Megan: "Yea, I think the longest part to my husband is his shins!"
In walks Jimmy
Megan: "Your baby has long legs."
Jimmy: "Yessssssss!!!!!!!!!! They're gonna be a kicker!"
After a few more detailed pictures we arrived at the sex of the baby.
Drum roll please........................ITS a BOY!!!!!!!!!................
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"PREGNANCY AT PROM! "Who would have thought this could be a good thing?!"
So the PROM: "Bienvenue a la Moulin Masquerade!" was a huge hit. Meg has been working as the Junior Class sponsor since they were freshman. They have been fundraising and had built up quite a nest egg with which to throw the prom for the seniors this ye
The event was held at the Clarion Hotel in Ocean City, MD and the highlight for me was definitly the 1. Baked Brie 2. Hot wife ;)
To the left is a picture showing the canopy that they had built over the dance floor in the center of the room. Its hard to see, but the stage for the LIVE BAND is at the far edge of the tent. To the right this picture captures a bit of the feel... red, and black, classy. It was pretty neat, we had debated trying to get the kids to order masks and go after the masquerade part, but instead Meg just got a bunch of them offline to use as decorations. By the end of the night though almost all of them were in use on the faces of students as they danced and relaxed.
So no big deal...this spring, while pregnant, Megan has taught school, directed the middle school play, thrown a prom for 160 kids, and done so with NO caffeine!!!!!!! (as to protect SMALL CHILD) GOD IS AWESOME!
We find out the sex of Gbaby tomorrow :D Kinda excited!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
I (the husband) LOVE pregnancy aversions!
We all know that as spring approaches, one of the best desserts is Banana Pudding Trifle (banana pudding, vanilla wafers, coolwhip, bananas, etc). We also know, well I do anyway that Meg makes some of the best there is!!! Well how about this: she made some for a party Saturday. Because it was cold and rainy, guests went for the comfort food (brownies, cakes, etc), the banana pudding is usually the first thing gone if its warm outside cause it is light and fluffy and summery.
So not much was eaten there, and to my benefit Megan wants NOTHING to do with the LEFTOEVERS...is she insane?!? :) Nope juuuuust pregnant... and boy am I pleased about it.
So, I've had Banana Trifle at/before/after every meal! LIFE IS GOOD :)
So not much was eaten there, and to my benefit Megan wants NOTHING to do with the LEFTOEVERS...is she insane?!? :) Nope juuuuust pregnant... and boy am I pleased about it.
So, I've had Banana Trifle at/before/after every meal! LIFE IS GOOD :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
CRAVINGS!!!!!!! a Metamophosis
"Jimmy, on your way home can you stop and get me a McDonald's ice cream cone?...wait...I think I actually want breadsticks with ranch dressing."
"ok, should I stop by Dominos?" says me
"no, just go to Food Lion and then call me from the appetizer section...and HURRY!" meg encourages.
"Ok, I'm here, and they've got, spinach artichoke dip, wings, corndogs, hotpockets..."
"no, nah, can't have that, uh uh..."
"I think I want MEAT!"
my head spins
"hold on" i say "let me look with the frozen pizzas...." "aha, breadsticks..."
"NO, that sounds flavorless."
"Do they have pretz...?"
"aha, pretzals"
"yeah, with salt, and ranch!!!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!! 450 degrees?... I'll preheat!"
So that is the tale of how Icecream became Pretzals.
"ok, should I stop by Dominos?" says me
"no, just go to Food Lion and then call me from the appetizer section...and HURRY!" meg encourages.
"Ok, I'm here, and they've got, spinach artichoke dip, wings, corndogs, hotpockets..."
"no, nah, can't have that, uh uh..."
"I think I want MEAT!"
my head spins
"hold on" i say "let me look with the frozen pizzas...." "aha, breadsticks..."
"NO, that sounds flavorless."
"Do they have pretz...?"
"aha, pretzals"
"yeah, with salt, and ranch!!!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!! 450 degrees?... I'll preheat!"
So that is the tale of how Icecream became Pretzals.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hello SMALL CHILD!!!!!!

Check out the most recent pics.... En route to Salt Lake City, Utah for a wedding (where I, Jimmy Skiied in the Big Awesome Utah mountains) we stopped by Annapolis to get this ultrasound done. It was quite cool... as you can see the little INDIVIDUAL has a considerable amount of room to squirm and as I've been saying "FLAIL"... Meg promptly corrects me... "I don't think she/he is "flailing", but I persist.
It is strange because for the last few weeks prior to this photo, Meg's only complaint was "I don't feel pregnant!" in fact, I feel better than I've felt in a long time. "Is there really something in me?"
So you can imagine our excitement/surprise when this totally formed human being was sitting there having a good old time! And like a good Frith descendant the child, though squirming, and not paying attention, did a quarter turn at the last and struck the pose you see above!
Alas... we're pleased. Everything seems to being going fine, and we have made this all public info now.
One AMAZING fact that I was reading (pray NOW for this) is that our kid will undergo MORE CHANGES in his/her life from week 10-13 than ever again in its life... so if you're gonna pray for someone... do it when they are between 10 and 13 weeks old and you are likely to get the most bang for your buck.

Friday, March 6, 2009
1st Visit to Delivering OB
Yesterday we went to our first appointment with the Obstetrician who will deliver the baby.
Objective 1: Meet and ask questions.
Objective 2: Don't run into any of Megan's pregnant friends, or other important people while at the OB/GYN together.
Objective 3: Try to hear heart beat.
Ob #1: Met doc, very nice, the nurse was even nicer and was able to answer many questions and both offered to be available to heed any questions we may have along the way.
Ob #2: Pulled in, parked, made it into the waiting room. No friends! Waiting, reading, look out thru the window, and OHHH NO!... here comes one of Jimmy's colleagues...we were compromised, but wait....so was she :) "We won't tell, if you don't tell". We did consider making up some story about Cervical cancer (but why's Jimmy there you ask?...) Thats a question for either Allison Ochs or Laura (Anderson) Walbert.
Ob #3: Heartbeat... doc said it was probably a bit early but we'd give it a try...Loud and CLEAR!!!... Sounded just like this at top speed!!! ( Turn up Volume and Click Here)
Objective 1: Meet and ask questions.
Objective 2: Don't run into any of Megan's pregnant friends, or other important people while at the OB/GYN together.
Objective 3: Try to hear heart beat.
Ob #1: Met doc, very nice, the nurse was even nicer and was able to answer many questions and both offered to be available to heed any questions we may have along the way.
Ob #2: Pulled in, parked, made it into the waiting room. No friends! Waiting, reading, look out thru the window, and OHHH NO!... here comes one of Jimmy's colleagues...we were compromised, but wait....so was she :) "We won't tell, if you don't tell". We did consider making up some story about Cervical cancer (but why's Jimmy there you ask?...) Thats a question for either Allison Ochs or Laura (Anderson) Walbert.
Ob #3: Heartbeat... doc said it was probably a bit early but we'd give it a try...Loud and CLEAR!!!... Sounded just like this at top speed!!! ( Turn up Volume and Click Here)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Yep, We're Pregnant!!!!!
With Jimmy's family we played at the Green Leaf (In Williamsburg, VA). Providentially both parents, Paul, Hannah, and Richard, as well as Paul's friend Erin were all at the table. We expained the game as a word game that we were going to use at Bible Study on that Wednesday, and we needed to try it out. (lies, lies) The family was pleased to be the focus group.
The premise was that each person drew a card from the pile and played it in turn, the objective in the end was to assemble a SENSIBLE sentance using only 3 colors, and no more than 3 of each selected color. The progression followed something like...
...dog on ball
...way on ball, dog
...we have a dog on ball
...we have a dog in the oven
...we have a bun? in the oven
Dad Garrity "We have a bun in the oven...you do?"
Jimmy "We do..."
Everyone..."What!!!!!!!!!, What!!!!!!!!! you're pregnant!!!!!!!"
On the Voss side, it followed similarly around the coffee table, after they bought the story about the game it began...
...the dog on
...the dog is on the way
...the oven is on the dog
Then Tommy started getting wise to it...in a flurry...
...we have bun in oven (ignoring all the rules about colors, number of words, etc.)
Silently and quickly he bent across the table and embraced his daughter. Then it hit 'em all!
Susan..."I thought I'd never hear those words!"
Meg... "but mom, you can't tell anyone for 3 more weeks!, I mean it!"
Mom V... "No one? Not even MY mom?!"
Meg... "NO"
Mom V... "Ha, but I can call the Garrity's, I have to tell someone!!!"
She left they chatted and when she arrived back Mom V reported that she'd forever be referred to as...........
This of course was all in the midst of an ad hoc Mardi gras party that the Voss's threw, so we went back to wearing masks and celebrating, now with newfound reason!!!
Join us as we cheer on our little baby celebrating God's Awesomeness

The instructions were to arrive at X time with a full bladder... well when is the last time you SUCCESSFULLY asked a pregnant women to HOLD IT (full mind you) for 30 minutes as she sat in the waiting room while the hospital ran behind schedule. I couldn't even focus on the goofy action movie we were watching cause SHE has to pee soooo bad.
But alas, we saw out little guy/girl and he/she measured in at about 1cm... henceforth...I've been cheering Grow Baby Grow!!!!
7 weeks,
Ultra Sound
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