Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kicker Garrity

Driving home from a function in Ocean City, Megan in passenger seat with seat belt securely fastened around her growing midsection. All of a sudden, in grand Garrity fashion, was not one kick, but an onslaught...kick, kick,k-ki-kick, kick, elbow, knee, elbow, elbow, knee...this could not be gas! Kicker even caused Megan to worry a bit and ask her stomach "is everything ok?!?" We presume it is, and that he just likes the car.

Since he's been a bit more active...though not ALWAYS moving, he's been active, in the car, on the couch, at a band concert, in class... only when Megs sitting though....at least he's polite and he doesn't do it when she is trying to sleep.

Photos: Left (20 weeks), Right (19 weeks).


  1. There's nothing like a baby kicking. Such a wonder. You look beautiful! Hope you found some good maternity clothes.

  2. AnonymousMay 13, 2009

    Megan honey, you are beautiful and I'm so happy for you both!! So he's sitting on your bladder is he? That's what Mikey B did, only he wasn't so kind at night ~ many nocturnal trips to the bathroom were made whilst preggers with him!!

    It is amazing the difference one week makes and I know you are full of the wonder of it all too. Jimmy, keep up the good work with this blog - it makes it seem like you're not so far away. xoxoxo Susie

    ps: How do I "subscribe" to this blog?

  3. w00tw00t! growing gangsta garrity!!

  4. AnonymousJune 16, 2009

    Megan & Jim,
    the baby may also be protesting if you're sitting down too long :) mine definitely does that .... he may like to be rocked like when you walk ... anyways ... isn't fun to feel the baby kicks .... Annie
