Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CRAVINGS!!!!!!! a Metamophosis

"Jimmy, on your way home can you stop and get me a McDonald's ice cream cone?...wait...I think I actually want breadsticks with ranch dressing."

"ok, should I stop by Dominos?" says me

"no, just go to Food Lion and then call me from the appetizer section...and HURRY!" meg encourages.

"Ok, I'm here, and they've got, spinach artichoke dip, wings, corndogs, hotpockets..."

"no, nah, can't have that, uh uh..."

"I think I want MEAT!"

my head spins

"hold on" i say "let me look with the frozen pizzas...." "aha, breadsticks..."

"NO, that sounds flavorless."


"Do they have pretz...?"

"aha, pretzals"

"yeah, with salt, and ranch!!!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!! 450 degrees?... I'll preheat!"

So that is the tale of how Icecream became Pretzals.


  1. Susie BurnettApril 05, 2009

    and so it begins...

    Dean used to buy Wendy's frosty's by the half dozen and freeze them because he got tired of going out whenever I craved as it usually occurred when it was the most inconvenient for him!

    Pretzels are much more healthy - good for you!

  2. Allison OchsApril 08, 2009

    There are TEARS OF LAUGHTER! Jimmy, you MUST talk to Ben. He can commiserate a little too much I'm afraid about the craving adventures. And Meg, every pregnant women I know wants McDonald's. When we aren't with child it is revolting and then all of a sudden that place becomes a mecca of deliciousness. Wait until McFlurry season...

  3. That is really funny.

  4. Ok this had me laughing out loud. Very funny! How are you guys, by the way?? I found your blog through anna and eric's blog. congrats on your baby!
