Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No Baby No Baby....yet - "Are you at Def Con 6 or just chilling out?"

Matt Robins asks 3 days ago now "Are you at Def Con 6 or just chilling out?", my response, well don't know what do with ourselves. Though we really have been enjoying the time together, me and my playmate Megan. We were discussing at dinner that in 18-20something years, when the last of X amount of kids is leaving that for college that they'll be all worried, and wondering what Mom and Dad are gonna do now that they are gone...I looked across at Meg and said "shoot, Megan and I know how to have fun! In fact the 4 years before you were born we had such fun playing together!, so don't go feeling sorry for us.".... of course I'm sure this next phase will be a blast in its own right, but man we've had a good time.

So alas, Obama has issued an Orange Alert baby warning and he is "calling for" a potential increase to Baby Red Alert here in Salisbury. But until then "No baby, No baby" has been the way i've started every conversation and likely will until....

Cheers, JRG


  1. The good news is that I've never known a woman who stayed pregnant FOREVER. It will eventually happen. I'm sure you are more than ready. We're waiting with you! Do you have any names picked out yet?

  2. umm, the alert has been going on for a while now. One of the first things I dealt with when I started at the hospital here in 2005. Just saying.

  3. Hi G Family! Just checking your blog making sure we didn't miss the arrival of Baby G! We know what those phone calls feel like post-due date: "Hi. Yea, just wondering if the baby was here." So we checked the blog instead :)

    We love you. We are thinking of you. We are excited to hear the news and meet your son!

    Ben and Allison

  4. The cell has been firmly ensconced in my pocket all day and now that I'm in jammies, I've tucked it in my underwear! Just kidding...but it's right by my side waiting for word. I love that you refer to Megan as your playmate Jimmy - that is just precious my friend. Oh well, just checking in; nothing much to say except prayers are being sent up the Maryland way for all good things. Love you all, Susie
