So the PROM: "Bienvenue a la Moulin Masquerade!" was a huge hit. Meg has been working as the Junior Class sponsor since they were freshman. They have been fundraising and had built up quite a nest egg with which to throw the prom for the seniors this ye
The event was held at the Clarion Hotel in Ocean City, MD and the highlight for me was definitly the 1. Baked Brie 2. Hot wife ;)
To the left is a picture showing the canopy that they had built over the dance floor in the center of the room. Its hard to see, but the stage for the LIVE BAND is at the far edge of the tent. To the right this picture captures a bit of the feel... red, and black, classy. It was pretty neat, we had debated trying to get the kids to order masks and go after the masquerade part, but instead Meg just got a bunch of them offline to use as decorations. By the end of the night though almost all of them were in use on the faces of students as they danced and relaxed.
So no big deal...this spring, while pregnant, Megan has taught school, directed the middle school play, thrown a prom for 160 kids, and done so with NO caffeine!!!!!!! (as to protect SMALL CHILD) GOD IS AWESOME!
We find out the sex of Gbaby tomorrow :D Kinda excited!!!